A 1/2 hour documentary/drama series, Season 2 unearths the past to expose the legendary women heroes and villains that shaped the Canadian West in ways no viewer has seen before. Join us as we explore what’s behind the stories, looking beyond the legends and discover the mystical and metaphysical influences behind these notable individuals to show how they were able to transcend the ordinary and become an extraordinary part of SECRET HISTORY ™ – Women Warriors!


Season 2 – Episode 1 – “A GOOD DAY TO DIE”

A fearless Blackfoot matriarch, orphaned in youth, surpasses her male counterparts in horse raids and battles. Her unwavering pursuit of glory comes to fruition when she leads her war party on an unforeseen horse raid.

Season 2 – Episode 2 – “NO SMALL AFFAIR”

In a heartfelt moment, a half Nahathaway Cree woman finds solace in reading her dying husband’s journals, cherishing the life they shared in the Canadian northwest.

Season 2 – Episode 3 – “THREES THE CHARM”

A trailblazing young Mohawk woman defies adversity, becoming Canada’s first Indigenous nurse. Stationed on France’s front lines, her spirit, compassion, and selflessness inspire strength and salvation.

Season 2 – Episode 4 – “WOMAN CHIEF”

In a time of dwindling Bison herds, encroaching settlers, and rising military presence, a kidnapped Gros Ventre girl rises as a fearless Crow warrior. Now Chief of her own clan she embarks on a dangerous mission to negotiate peace with her birth tribe at great personal cost.

Season 2 – Episode 5 – “THE AMBASSADRESS”

During her village’s attack by British soldiers, an Inuit woman is taken and held against her will in an HBC Blockhouse. While captive, she meets a government representative who offers freedom in return for help with diplomatic relations and trade.

Season 2 – Episode 6 – “FAITH”

An orphaned Mohawk girl defies tradition to embrace Christianity in her quest for a deep spiritual connection with God.

Season 2 – Episode 7 – “THE LONELIEST NUMBER”

As her people are being hunted to extinction, young woman armed with a  pen and her people’s traditional ways of knowing chooses captivity over freedom to ensure her peoples existence will not be lost in the pages of time.

Season 2 – Episode 8 – “LADIES FIRST”

When a family discovers gold, their claim is supported by a Tlingit woman’s vital traditional knowledge, enabling them to navigate the challenging Yukon wilderness and extract their fortune.


After marrying into wealth & privilege, a Blackfoot woman navigates critical negotiations between the government & her people, the Blackfoot confederacy. Amid shifting politics, this born and raised traditional woman faces a heart-wrenching choice: her children or returning to her people.

Season 2 – Episode 10 – “RUNNING EAGLE”

A Blackfoot girl saves her father’s life from an Assiniboine attack earning her the warrior name; Pi’tamaka (Running Eagle) only later to have her true destiny revealed during a Vision Quest.

Season 2 – Episode 11 – “RED RIVER WRATH”

A compassionate Metis woman harnesses her privilege to advocate for humanitarian causes in her community. When confronted by a sexist journalist, she defies expectations and bravely responds, leaving a lasting impact.

Season 2 – Episode 12 – “THE HARDER THEY FALL”

A Cheyenne warrior woman leaves her mark with bravery in rescuing her brother and confronting Colonel Custer. Her war feats end with the Northern Cheyenne Exodus, leaving an indelible legacy.

Season 2 – Episode 13 – “MANLY MY A–”

Season 2 re-cap correcting Western history’s misnomer of Manly/Strong Hearted Women.